Company information
Medical Helpline Worldwide GmbH & aqua med
Otto-Lilienthal-Strasse 18
28199 Bremen
Tel.: +49 421 240 110-0
Fax: +49 421 240 110-19
aqua med is a trademark of Medical Helpline Worldwide GmbH
Managing directors: Sven Aumann und Marco Röschmann (Medical Director)
Registered office: Bremen
Registered with the Bremen District Court under HRB 20515
Tax ID No.: DE219056749
Authorised representative: Sven Aumann
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This also applies for all links which refer to these pages directly or indirectly, and which are reached by such a link.
We reserve the right to make chances or amendments to the information provided without prior notice.
We are not liable for specific, indirect or direct damage. We are not liable for damage caused by lack of usage options, loss of data or lost profit relating to the usage of documents or information accessible on these pages.
Your contact person for data protection
In case of questions concerning the collection, treatment and use of your personal data, for information, correction, blocking or deletion of data as well as for revocation of accorded authorisations, please address to:
Data protection official:
Stefan Lutz, LL.M.
Tel.: +49 421 322889-0
Fax: +49 421 322889-9
[email protected]